Insparya Hair Science

We know that alopecia can be a big problem for those who suffer from it. That is why at Grupo Insparya we work tirelessly to offer alternatives to all our patients, including those whose donor area does not allow a hair transplant. To achieve this, we are committed to research and technology as a means to curb a pathology that deeply affects the self-esteem and mental health of those who suffer from it. So much so that we are the only hair clinic that invests in biomedical research.

Until now, attempts were made to remedy androgenetic alopecia, the most common in both men and women, with pharmacological treatments such as Minoxidil and Finasteride. But, without a doubt, hair transplantation is the star treatment, as it is the only definitive solution for hair loss. Insparya is a leader in this intervention, with more than 50,000 transplant patients over 14 years of experience. But, although it is the most effective option to recover hair, it does not work for all cases. As we said, the limit is the density of the donor area; if it is not enough to cover the areas with alopecia without being compromised, the transplant is not viable.

  1. Regenerative hair medicine to end alopecia when hair transplantation is not an option

 So what solution is there for alopecia when a hair transplant cannot be performed? Finding it is the main objective of Insparya Hair Science, the division of Insparya focused on developing hair regeneration and rejuvenation strategies. All with a solid base of interdisciplinary knowledge and multi-methodological approaches aimed at banishing alopecia from our lives.

In this research work, Insparya has focused on the multiplication of follicular units. It is, without a doubt, the future of definitive treatments for alopecia. Thus, we work to develop pharmacological regenerative therapies, based on innovative cells, so that patients without enough donor area can say goodbye to alopecia forever.

In summary, at Insparya we are on the way to understanding the complexity of the follicular unit in order to find a definitive solution for alopecia in all cases. Currently, our research focuses on these fields:

  • The study of the molecular signatures of human hair follicle cells and how they   are altered i) by androgenic alopecia and ii) in response to pharmacological treatments. All from the point of view of our team’s experience in multi-genomic approaches. 
  • The development of high-performance cell assays to identify new compounds that serve to maintain and/or restore the hair-inducing properties of follicular stem cells. 
  • Preclinical validation of the efficacy of new compounds to improve the growth cycle of the hair follicle. For this we use cultures of human hair follicle organs and animal models. 
  • The integration of the knowledge generated to improve the expansion of hair follicle cells in vitro, maintaining their inductive potential to generate small hair follicle germs with clinical promise.

Also, thanks to a study published in the specialized journal Dermatological Surgery, we have created a new protocol to preserve the follicular units extracted during the hair transplant intervention. This way we have improved the results of the transplants performed in Insparya. 

  1. A research team with top-level partnerships

Insparya Hair Science has five researchers led by Dr. Carlos Portinha, Chief Clinical Officer of Insparya and coordinator of the R+D area. To create the biomedical research unit, we received help from Elsa Logarinho, Doctor of Biomedical Sciences from the University of Porto, a leader in ageing research and an expert in rejuvenation strategies. 

Our team works on the development of biomedical research in collaboration with the i3S Institute for Innovation and Health. This organism is the sum of three institutes (IBMC, INEB and IPATIMUP) and three hospitals (CH S João, CH Porto and IPO), as well as researchers from several schools of the University of Porto (FMUP, ICBAS, FMDUP, FCUP, FEUP and FFUP).

It is a valuable collaboration for scientific and technological development, which promotes truly innovative and internationally competitive research, capable of translating its findings to the clinic. 

Insparya’s research is reflected in different scientific publications prepared by our medical specialists and interventions in different  international conferences within the sector.

Insparya Science: biomedical research to put an end to alopecia
  1. Other projects by Insparya

Also, thanks to the commitment to scientific research Insparya has created its own line of shampoosFree of parabens, without salts, alcohol and made with high quality ingredients, full of benefits for hair health, they complement our treatments perfectly. This is the case of hair mesotherapy, MesoHair + and MesoHair + Home, with an exclusive formulation with more than 50 active ingredients in a high concentration, all aimed at combating androgenic alopecia and improving hair quality. 

Mesotherapy consists of a biostimulation technique that uses painless subcutaneous micro-injections to biologically activate hair cells and promote the production of stronger and higher quality hair. The Insparya formula contains hyaluronic acid, biotin, gotu kola, antioxidants, proteins, mineral salts, growth factors and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. 

Mesotherapy, alone or in combination with other treatments, such as Active Plasma Insparya as a support for a hair treatment, is a highly effective tool to improve the hair health of men and women. In addition, we also offer a treatment to perform at home, with the same ingredients. With mesoHAir + Home you can receive the benefits of mesotherapy comfortably, without having to receive injections in the clinic.

At Insparya we don’t settle, we are the engine of change. Check out what technology and research can do to make your hair transplant a success. Contact us and get a free diagnosis.