vitamins for hair

Hair health is affected by many different factors, but without a doubt, a healthy diet that provides the necessary nutrients is key to showing off a strong and healthy mane. The follicular units need a series of nutrients that they receive through the bloodstream. Stimulating it and getting the amount of vitamins, minerals and oxygen needed for normal development to reach each hair is one of the most important measures when it comes to caring for hair and preventing hair loss. 

In addition to food, we can provide vitamins to the hair through supplements prescribed by a specialist doctor, if a deficiency is detected. The use of nourishing shampoos and the application of hair treatments such as MesoHair+ hair mesotherapy also has the great advantage of bringing nutrients directly to the scalp, they are a way of adding extra vitamins, minerals and growth factors to the hair. But let’s not forget that having a complete, varied and balanced diet is key to our overall health and, therefore, also to that of our hair.

But what vitamins are needed for hair? Below, we list the things you should not miss to keep you healthy and prevent hair falling out.

  1. Vitamin A

You might know it as retinol. It is a powerful antioxidant that prevents hair aging. It also helps to keep you hydrated by regulating sebum production, which is especially important in the summer months, without forgetting its essential function in cellular reproduction and hair growth. 

Vitamin A is also key to the immune system, promotes cell growth and helps prevent hair loss. If you are looking for foods rich in vitamin A, write down: carrots, lettuce, sweet potatoes, milk, spinach, broccoli, eggs, liver and fatty fish, such as salmon.

  1. Vitamin B

This group of vitamins is essential for good hair health. Surely, you’ve heard of vitamin B7 or biotin and its importance for hair, nails and skin. It has a direct role in stimulating keratin synthesis. This is why it is a nutrient that is usually part of the composition of anti-hair loss shampoos. Its deficiency causes the hair to become weak and thin, until it falls out. 

In addition to hair products and treatments, we can include foods rich in biotin in our diet. Such as salmon, tuna, sardines, walnuts, eggs or dairy products. If the specialist doctor deems it necessary, biotin can also be ingested in the form of supplements.

It is also recommended to have good level of vitamin B3, known as niacin. Present in eggs, celery and beetroot, it improves blood circulation and helps the skin to regenerate. For all this helps hair to grow strong and healthy.

For its part, vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is responsible for forming red blood cells, responsible for carrying oxygen through the blood. B12 also plays a key role in this, and it is also necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. B6 is found in foods as diverse as tuna, salmon, bananas, legumes, nuts… For its part, B12 is present in some meats, but the best option to ensure that we eat the right amount is to use supplements, especially after the age of fifty or if we follow a vegetarian diet.

What other B vitamins are important for hair health? Vitamin B2 or riboflavin and B9 or folic acid, essential for hair regeneration. In addition, B5 or pantothenic acid boosts hair growth, delays the appearance of gray hair and regulates the formation of excess fat and dandruff.

B-complex vitamins are also powerful antioxidants, essential in reducing oxidative stress and as such delaying the aging of follicular units. 

  1. Vitamin C

Its powerful antioxidant effect protects hair from the effect of free radicals. In addition, it is essential for the production of collagen, a much-needed protein for skin and hair that our body produces less and less over the years. It is also a great ally for the absorption of iron, another important nutrient for hair, whose deficit can trigger hair loss. Vitamin C can be found in peppers, broccoli, spinach, kiwis, strawberries and citrus fruits.

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  1. Vitamin D

You must know the importance of this vitamin that we synthesize through sun exposure. We can also get it by eating salmon, sardines or supplemented foods, such as milk. Thanks to it, we can absorb calcium, and thus keep our bones strong. But it is also valuable for the immune system and for the proper functioning of muscles and nerves, as well as for keeping the skin healthy and elastic. And we already know that skin and hair are connected. 

So, what role does vitamin D play in hair health? A particularly important one: to promote blood circulation and the stimulation of the follicular units, which will generate strong and healthy hair by receiving the nutrients they need.

  1. Vitamin E

Its antioxidant action improves blood circulation in the scalp, which is essential for hair growth. Nuts, seeds, avocados and vegetable oils contain this nutrient that should not be lacking in your diet.

  1.  Consequences of vitamin deficiency on the hair

Vitamin A, B, C and E deficiency can be very harmful to hair health. As a result, hair can lose its shine, become dehydrated, weaken and eventually fall out. But it does not just affect the hair, it can also affect the scalp. For this reason, problems of dryness, irritation, itching, etc. can occur, which can also add to hair loss.

As we have explained before, diet is key to maintaining an adequate balance of nutrients. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, protein, and healthy fats can help prevent deficiency of these vitamins and maintain healthy, strong hair. It is also highly recommended to avoid stress, which is closely linked to hair loss, and to maintain an active life by doing any type of sports practice that we like.

But it is also necessary to take care of the hair and scalp with the use of quality products, such as Insparya shampoos, and to accompany their application with a gentle massage to stimulate scalp circulation. In the same way, it is advisable to avoid external aggressions in the form of prolonged exposure to the sun, tight hairstyles or the use of high-temperature tools, such as dryers and irons. Nor is it a good idea to abuse aggressive treatments with hair fiber, such as some dyes and discolorations.

Keep in mind that hair weakening and loss may be caused by hormonal issues, which is why it’s so important to see a specialist. Getting a personalized diagnosis like the one we offer you at Insparya is essential to know what treatment will be the most effective.

  1. Hair treatments to nourish and stimulate your hair

In addition to improving the points we mentioned about diet and lifestyle, at Insparya we offer you the perfect allies to improve your hair health. These are our hair treatments, which you can undergo individually or together, to enhance their effectiveness.

MesoHair+ hair mesotherapy has an exclusive formulation designed for biostimulation and hair nutrition. It is a painless process that lasts no more than 15 minutes, with which hyaluronic acid, five alpha reductase inhibitors, as well as vitamins, proteins and minerals, growth factors and antioxidants are applied to your hair and scalp.

For its part, Insparya ActivePlasma is a platelet-rich plasma treatment that takes advantage of growth factors obtained from the patient’s own blood. This way, tissues are regenerated, and the aging of the follicular unit is delayed, thus preventing loss of shine and weakening of the hair. In short, you will show off a younger head of hair.

To these two treatments, you can add photobiomodulation, a laser hair treatment to be done comfortably at home and that you can also share with other people. It stimulates blood circulation, increasing the quality of hair generated by the follicular unit.

However, don’t forget that the only definitive treatment for alopecia is a hair transplant. Therefore, if you have detected that your hair is no longer what it used to be, it is best to put yourself in the hands of specialists as soon as possible. Determining the causes of these changes is essential to remedy them. Contact Insparya now and receive your free diagnosis by video call or make an appointment at any of our clinics.