Interview Dr.Carlos Portinha

Interview with Dr. Carlos Portinha, doctor and clinical coordinator at Insparya

Is there still a myth that baldness is an aesthetic problem?

Baldness is usually associated with an aesthetic issue. However, this is far from the only problem associated with baldness or the only reason people turn to hair transplants. For example, hair protects the scalp from sun exposure. Therefore, addressing baldness is even important in preventing skin cancer on the scalp. Baldness is also associated with low spirits, depression, and other emotional problems. As such, eliminating the problem of baldness through a hair transplant can even be an effective solution to psychiatric and psychological issues.

What makes a hair transplant an effective treatment?

Hair transplantation is an effective, definitive solution because the follicular units we transplant are not susceptible to falling out. By using these units (the patient’s own hair) and placing them in the areas needed, we definitively address baldness. Therefore, when hair transplantation is performed by teams that have mastered the technique to perfection, it is undoubtedly the best solution for treating baldness.

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What can a patient expect from Insparya?

An Insparya patient can rely on the team’s inherent sympathy and, above all, their professionalism and rigour. We are a clinic that not only performs hair transplants but also invests a lot in advanced clinical training and continual progress. We are undoubtedly the only clinic in the world that offers hair transplants for our patients and also carries out several lines of biological and technological research in order to improve hair transplants every day.

What is the overall opinion of Insparya patients?

Insparya patients, as I like to say, are patients right from the start, from the moment they come into the clinic for their first evaluation. Regardless of whether or not they undergo a hair transplant, they are clients for life. As such, they are usually satisfied with the results. Our patients speak well of us, they recommend us, and there is no better publicity than word of mouth. In fact, more than 90% of our patients come based on a recommendation, and this is a sign of satisfaction and quality.

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Why is the Insparya clinical group number 1 in hair transplants?

Several external entities consider us to be leaders in hair transplantation. Not only do we have the most experience with the highest number of hair transplants per year in Portugal and Spain, we also do not limit ourselves to only performing hair transplants. Insparya is committed to continual training and research. This is reflected in what we offer patients. The hair transplants we performed a year ago are no longer what we do today, putting us at the lead in the sector.

Globally, what is Insparya clinical group’s positioning?

Insparya is one of the best clinics in the world. The hair transplants are performed at the highest quality, with visible results from our large number of patients – some of them are public figures who use our services. We are also world leaders, thanks to our powerful team with continual training. Our team knows what it’s doing and helps us improve hair transplantation every day in Portugal and Spain. Globally, we are also on the cutting edge of the techniques used and research, whether in technical improvement or in the equipment we use. We use the world’s most advanced technology, and we’re committed to continuing to improve everything we do. Our research teams are constantly on the lookout for the latest scientific advancements to improve our clinical practice.