difference between hair trasplant and hair implant

The difference between a hair transplant and a hair implant

Knowing the causes and consequences of baldness for your hair and scalp health is helpful over time to find effective solutions. Losing hair goes beyond a mere aesthetic issue; anyone who thinks so is making a serious mistake. Good hair health can be beneficial for good self-esteem and higher dermatological well-being, and it can prevent depression and skin cancer, among other serious diseases. Imagine, then, seeking help from a specialist and that they suggest a hair implant or a hair transplant. Would you know which one to choose? Let us help you choose the best option.

Main differences between a hair transplant and an implant

Though many people might initially use these interchangeably, in reality, they are quite different. If you’re also in the process of considering getting a transplant or implant, you must understand what each one entails and understand them clearly. Below, we go over the main differences between the two.

The difference between a hair transplant and a hair implant

Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is the removal of follicular units from denser areas of the scalp (donor zone), which are then implanted in the most depopulated regions (recipient zone). Normally, the nape or the sides of the head are the donor areas, and the top part of the head is the recipient. Local anaesthesia is used in this process.

Thanks to Insparya’s exclusive technology, it is now much easier to do a hair transplant.

This is how the procedure goes: teams of highly trained doctors and nurses accurately identify follicular units that are in the best condition in denser areas so they can be extracted and then implanted in the most depopulated regions. Since the hairs are from the same person, they will definitely not be rejected; the transplanted hairs will live like the other hairs present on the scalp, growing at a natural pace. The results are visible about six to eight months after the procedure.

The difference between a hair transplant and a hair implant

Hair Implant

A hair implant involves simply placing artificial hair in already dead follicles. This means that, even if the effects are immediately visible and hair isn’t needed from the donor area, the hair will never grow. If one of these synthetic hairs falls out or is pulled out, the only solution is to put new synthetic hair back in. It is also possible for these artificial hair implants to be rejected or for them to cause scalp infections. This is also true if the hair implanted is from someone else. In the end, you will have to weigh the pros and cons of the situation and make the best decision for your situation. Currently, Spain is the country with the second most people suffering from alopecia – you are not alone. Therefore, we at Insparya, as specialists in hair transplants with the best possible technique, technology, and medical personnel for more than 10 years, want to offer a solution to this disease.