Clínica Capilar I Insparya ®

What is the postoperative period for a hair transplant?

If you are considering a hair transplant or you already have one booked, you will probably want to know what the hair transplant postoperative period is like. This is a reasonable and very common question. If your first thought when facing alopecia is how you’ll look after the hair transplant, the second thought is bound to be the recovery process. Don’t worry! We’re here to give you all the details about the postoperative period (and reassure you that you have nothing to fear).

Clínica Capilar I Insparya ®

Care to be followed in the postoperative period after a hair transplant

First of all, the patient should remain at rest for as long as possible in the days following the hair transplant, although you will be able to move around without serious difficulty. You should lie with your head back at a 45-degree angle. In this way, the anaesthesia will wear off without any complications. Failure to follow this requirement may result in swelling of the face for several days. That’s why it’s important to always follow medical recommendations.

Secondly, the patient cannot wash their head for 3 days after the transplant. You can take a shower but be very careful not to get your head wet. This is to allow the follicular units time to take root and avoid causing damage to the treated areas with premature direct contact.

The transplant area should be sprayed with cold saline solution for 20 minutes at a time, so the follicles are very well hydrated, as this is their only nourishment during these 4 days.

On the fourth day, it will be time for washing. Any scabs will be removed. Washing can be done at home. At Insparya hair clinic, we provide written and visual information to our patients on how to wash their hair at home.

When washing, care must be taken with the two areas that have been treated. First, the extraction or back area should be rubbed with gauze and saline solution to remove as many scabs as possible. Then, with another gauze, a healing cream is applied.

Clínica Capilar I Insparya ®

Post-transplant follow-up after 18 months

At Insparya hair clinic, we perform all the care mentioned above, but we also monitor our patients for 18 months to observe that the evolution is progressing in the best way.

Care, not only before or during the transplant, but also after the transplant will be of vital importance for the follicles to grow properly. At Insparya we care about the whole process. 10 years of experience have made us the No. 1 clinic in Europe, having already helped more than 35,000 patients.