
Hair transplant

Definition, technique, procedure, before and after, woman, price, postoperative stage, results, age, hair functions.

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What is a hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is a painstaking procedure by which hair can be recovered by moving the follicular units from the donor area with the highest hair density (lateral and occipital areas of the head) and implanting them in the areas affected by alopecia, which are usually the front and upper part of the head. Hair transplantation is practically the only definitive solution against androgenetic alopecia, which is the most common type of alopecia (there are 6 different types of alopecia).

At Insparya Group’s hair transplant centres in Portugal, Spain and Italy, we have a medical team experienced in hair implantation, supported by specialised nurses trained by us.
We also use our own technique, the Insparya Method, a safe, effective and innovative hair transplant method. We use the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) methodology together with our exclusive technology.

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How is the procedure performed?

With the Insparya Method, hair transplantation is performed in two phases: in the first phase, the follicular units are extracted from the donor area and later implanted in the hairless area in a way that guarantees a natural result. The FUE technique is currently more popular than the FUSS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery) technique, since it is less invasive and more effective, and leaves fewer marks and visible scars on the scalp.

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Where does the transplanted hair come from?

To perform a transplant, hair is extracted from the donor area; that is, from the area with the highest hair density, usually the sides or back of the head (between the nape of the neck and the upper part of the head).

How long does a hair transplant last?

A well-performed hair transplant can last a lifetime. It is a practically permanent solution since hair transplanted at the genetic level is not programmed to fall out. For this reason, it will continue to grow healthy and strong in the receiving area just as it did in the donor area.

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What techniques are used to perform hair transplants?

There are currently two main hair transplant methods: FUSS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction).


The FUSS hair transplant method involves removing a strip of skin with hair follicles from the donor area, where the hair is naturally denser and less likely to fall out.  After removing this strip of skin, it is sutured, creating a linear scar. Small groups of tissue containing follicular units are removed from this skin and prepared for transplantation. While this is being done, small individual incisions are made in the receiving, bald, area. Then, the follicular units separated from the removed strip of skin are individually placed in the receiving area. 


The FUE hair transplant technique was developed to obtain the same results as the FUSS, but without having the disadvantages, namely, the resulting linear scar, which is often unsightly. 

FUE also consists of taking follicular units from a donor area on the back or side of the head and transferring them to bald areas to regrow that area, achieving a natural result.


With FUE, this removal is performed in a careful and individualised way, extracting the follicular units one by one, with very small micro-incisions, without leaving a visible linear scar as in the previous technique.

Therefore, some of the advantages of FUE over FUSS are the avoidance of linear scarring, with no wound to be treated and bandaged, as well as reduced downtime after surgery and less discomfort for the patient in the days after the procedure.

If the FUE technique is performed by an experienced clinical team with advanced technology such as BothAir® UltraPlus Insparya, the risk of damaging the follicular units is at an absolute minimum.

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How is a hair transplant performed?

Hair transplantation with the Insparya method involves two phases:
1st phase: extraction of the follicular units from the donor areas of the patient’s scalp.
2nd phase: implantation of the follicles, which consists of placing the extracted follicular units in the hairless areas according to a design previously agreed with the patient.
It should be noted that the risk of hair transplant rejection is non-existent since the patient’s own hair is used. During the procedure, the specific needs of each person, their traits, their physiognomy and their condition are taken into account.

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How much does a hair transplant cost?

The price of a hair transplant in Spain can vary greatly depending on the method used, the structure and the experience of the medical team. 

 The price of the hair transplant should also be defined based on a prior evaluation carried out by a doctor to determine the type of alopecia, the viability of the transplant depending on the donor area, hair density, possible pathologies, age, gender, etc.

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What is the postoperative period of a hair transplant like?

A certain amount of care is necessary for the hair transplant to progress correctly and as expected.

Normally, as it is a minimally invasive procedure, four days of rest are enough to ensure a good recovery and proper implantation of the follicles. Normal life is rarely affected.

Rest is recommended for the first 24 hours after the procedure. For the first night after the procedure, you should sleep with your head at an approximately 45º angle to avoid friction in the receiving area and prevent oedema.

In the first few days, eye and face swelling may occur as a side effect of anaesthesia. To resolve the discomfort, painkillers or a solution provided by the doctor can be taken.

Avoid wearing caps, hats or helmets for at least 8 days after the operation.

Starting on the third day, small crusts may appear at the implant site and the skin may turn red. This is a normal part of the process.

In addition, it’s important not to touch or scratch your hair during the first month, to prevent the transplanted follicular units from becoming infected or falling out.

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How long does a hair transplant last?

A hair transplant lasts a lifetime and is the only definitive solution for alopecia.

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What is the best age for a hair transplant?

There is no recommended age, hair transplants can be performed from 18 to 80 years old. But the most appropriate time, in men, is around 40, since at that age the alopecia will have stabilised.

However, it is not possible to say exactly what is the best age for a hair transplant, as circumstances can vary greatly from person to person. Therefore, it is always best to consult a specialist to determine what type of alopecia you have and what the best solution is for you.

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What are the functions of hair?

The function of hair depends on the part of the body where it grows. Primarily, it protects the skin from environmental factors. Hair responds to external stimuli and translates this information into neurological impulses that the brain interprets as sensory stimuli.

Hair is also the only part of the human body that can be easily and consciously altered to change the external appearance of an individual. For this reason, it is also an important means of communication in society. 

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How many sessions are needed for a hair transplant?

At Insparya, we perform hair transplants in just one day, since the Insparya Method, with its unique technology, allows maximum precision, reliability and speed of extraction.

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Is it painful? What type of anaesthesia is used for hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation is a practically painless procedure because it is performed under local anaesthesia and is minimally invasive.

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How long does it take for hair to grow after a hair transplant?

The first changes are visible after about three months, but the most significant improvements are noticeable after six months. It usually takes up to one year before definitive results can be seen.

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When can I wear a hat after a hair transplant?

It is advisable to wait a month before wearing a cap or hat, but if the patient has a large one that does not rub the scalp too much, they can start wearing it 8 days after the operation.

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When can I play sports after a hair transplant?

Starting 10 days after the transplant, you can do light sports. Starting from the second week, about 15 days after the operation, you can do sports at normal intensity.

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When do hair transplant scabs fall off?

The transplanted areas will form scabs about 24-72 hours after the operation and will fall off within 7-10 days. As the scabs fall off, you might notice your hair falling out with them but don’t be alarmed, as this is completely normal. It is advisable not to shave the scabs, as this can cause infections and compromise the survival of the follicles.

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    • Where does the hair come from?
      The hair is obtained by extracting follicular units from donor areas of the patient’s scalp. As it is the patient’s own hair, there is no risk of rejection.
    • What are the differences?
      During the procedure, the characteristics, needs, physiognomy and specificities of each person are respected.
    • Is it painful?
      The entire procedure is virtually painless thanks to local anaesthesia.
    • Scars
      When the extraction is performed by an experienced clinical team, there is no damage to the follicular units, healing occurs within 3-4 days and there will be no visible scars in the area operated on.
    • Phases of the process
      Extraction phase: after administering the anaesthesia, there is a period of 3-4 hours during which the extraction can take place. This is done one follicular unit at a time. The selection of the units to be extracted is determined based on the minimum distance necessary between the extraction points. These follicular units are carefully manipulated and evaluated, eliminating those in a state of decay which are not suitable for transplantation.

      Implantation phase: In this phase, all the healthy follicular units obtained in the previous phase are implanted. The implantation process is carefully calculated, conscious of the fact that the hairs are connected three-dimensionally.


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