Frequently asked questions

If you have any doubts, please contact us.

  • Does transplanted hair fall out?
    From the third / fourth week, transplanted hair falls out, so around the second month after the transplant the patient will look similar to the way he/she looked before the transplant. From that moment on, transplanted follicular units start to produce new hair.
  • Is transplant painful?
    We use local anesthesia, so there is minimum sensitivity.
  • Is the donor area damaged?
    No, because the procedure is a micro-surgery that does not leave any scars or marks.
  • Do follicular units removed grow back?
    Once follicular units are extracted, they do not grow back in the same place, but where they are implanted.


  • Is it necessary to have any medical examination before the procedure?
    Yes, a prior assessment by our doctors is necessary to evaluate hair conditions in each case.



  • What is the best time to have a transplant?
    When the patient has four days off after the surgery for recovery care.
  • How long does the surgery take?
    We have optimized the duration of the micro-transplant of follicular units to 6 hours. This duration is approximate, depending on the specific characteristics and needs of each patient.
  • Is the procedure carried out completely at Insparya hair clinic?
    Yes, our clinic is fully prepared to carry out these procedures.


  • How many days will I have to be on leave?
    It is a minimally invasive surgery, so it will not prevent you from going on with your normal life. It is advisable that you take a 4-day leave after the treatment for a good hair follicle implantation.
  • How can I sleep the following days if I cannot rest the recipient area?
    You will have to rest in a 45º position and the recipient area must not touch anything.



  • Do I have to shave or they will do it at the clinic?
    Our nurses will shave you.


  • Is it necessary to shave completely?
    If it is not necessary to extract and implant many follicular units, it will not be necessary.


  • When do scabs fall out?
    Scabs will fall completely between 7 and 10 days after the transplant.


  • When will face swelling due to anesthesia be gone?
    It may last up to 7 days after the procedure. It is a normal side effect that does not endanger transplanted hair.



  • Can somebody else donate hair for me?
    No, transplants must be done with the patient’s own hair in order to avoid rejection.


  • Is it possible to use hair from other parts of the body for the transplant?
    It is not advisable for aesthetic reasons, since body hair is different from scalp, beard or eyebrow hair.


  • At what age can hair transplant be performed?
    There is no specific age for hair transplant; it ranges from 18 to 80 years old.



  • If a gray hair is extracted, will it grow gray?
    A gray hair will most likely grow gray but it may also grow with color.


  • When will I be able to sunbathe?
    After 15 days, with sunscreen. When hair has grown enough to cover the scalp, you can sunbathe without sunscreen.
  • When can I start playing sports again?
    You should not do any exercise that implies an effort for 15 days after the procedure.


  • When can I wear a helmet/cap?
    Eight days after the transplant, carefully, and after a month without restrictions.



  • Can I get into a pool or the ocean after a hair transplant?
    You have to wait 7 days after the transplant to get into the ocean and 15 days to get into a pool.



  • Does dye damage implanted hair?
    No, it does not, if you use high quality products, without many chemical substances. If you use low quality products, both implanted hair and native hair can be damaged. We recommend not to apply any products to your hair for one month after the surgery.




  • Is it necessary to take any medication for life to keep transplanted hair?
    No, because transplanted hair is genetically predisposed not to fall out.


  • When will results be noticeable?
    Six months after the procedure you can see some results but the final result will start to be noticeable 12 months after the procedure.


  • In some years, how will I look?
    Your aspect a year and a half after the transplant will be almost the final aspect, therefore, several years later it will be completely stable.



  • Is any treatment necessary before the transplant to prepare the scalp?
    No, it is not necessary to do any previous treatment. But some treatments are a great complement for the postoperative stage.


  • What can I do to preserve native hair?
    Some hair treatments, such as hair mesotherapy, PRP or Minoxidil are used.



  • Are hair treatments a better option than medication such as finasteride?
    Yes, both offer benefits but treatments have no negative side effects.



  • Is it necessary to undergo treatments for transplanted hair not to fall out again?
    It is not strictly necessary but if you get the complementary treatments you can get faster results and improve native hair, if any, at the same time.



  • Can transplanted hair be dried with a hair dryer?
    Yes, but only after a month from the surgery. It is your hair and you can dry it like native hair. But it is advisable to keep 15 cm of distance and to use cold or warm air.



  • What guarantees do we offer patients about the transplant?
    We always state the number of follicular units we are going to transplant in writing, the Dual Extraction Device counts follicular units automatically and the most important guarantee is the follow-up after the transplant to check that new hair is growing properly.
Fill in our form and get a free diagnosis without obligation.


    More than 60,000 hair transplants endorse our experience

    Our mission is to provide patients with a specialized and personalized service with definitive results

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